Legal notices

Last updated: August 21, 2024

The site is the property of Pierjac.
The name “Pierjac” and its logo are trademarks registered, properties of Pierjac.
The Service and its original content, features and functionality are and will remain the exclusive property of Pierjac and its licensors. The Service is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. Our trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service without the prior written consent of Pierjac.


The site is hosted by the company HOSTINGER operations, UAB
Švitrigailos street, 34, 03230 Vilnius, Lituania

Copyright policy:

The site, as well as all the elements composing it (in particular texts, photographs, videos, brands, etc.), constitute a work within the meaning of the articles of the Intellectual Property Code, falling as such under international legislation on Literary and Artistic Property. Copying the pages of the site on any medium whatsoever (including hard disk) is authorized for private purposes only. Consequently, any representation or reproduction, even partial, which could be made of the site or the elements composing it, for commercial purposes, without the prior written consent of Pierjac, is illegal and likely to constitute an act of counterfeiting engaging the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter.

Links to other web sites:

Our Service may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by Pierjac.
Pierjac has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that Pierjac shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services.
We strongly advise you to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party web sites or services that you visit.


Your use of the Service is at your sole risk. The Service is provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or course of performance.
Pierjac its subsidiaries, affiliates, and its licensors do not warrant that a) the Service will function uninterrupted, secure or available at any particular time or location; b) any errors or defects will be corrected; c) the Service is free of viruses or other harmful components; or d) the results of using the Service will meet your requirements.


We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.
By continuing to access or use our Service after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, please stop using the Service.